Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Habits to AVOID at Public Speaking

You would agree that a habit is a routine way of thinking, feeling, or behaving, which tends to occur unconsciously. In golf, no player intentionally raises up on the back swing, as you're sure to top the ball and make a poor shot in doing so. However, it's among the most common errors on the course.

Similarly, as a speaker, you would never consciously clench your hands, pace the floor, or avoid eye contact with the audience, as your listeners would surely perceive you as nervous and insecure. "Yet, these common bad habits occur daily in the workplace by presenters who are otherwise smart, accomplished professionals."

Here are the top 13 public speaking habits presenters should avoid at all costs, along with their potential consequences and remedies:

1. Not tailoring your message to your audience.

As Benjamin Disraeli once said, "Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours." If you don't talk to your audience about themselves, they most likely won't listen, says Darlene Price, president of Well Said, Inc. and author of "Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results."

"Speakers frequently fall into the bad habit of giving generic off-the-shelf presentations that are not tailored to address the needs of this particular audience. Listeners know when the speaker has not done his / her homework, and their response ranges from disappointment and frustration to anger and disengaging."

To avoid this, ask yourself: "Who is my audience? What are their burning issues? How does my message help them? How much do they know about my topic? What will I ask them to do in response to my message?" ...... Know your audience!

2. Letting your eyes dart around the room.

From beginners to veterans, the majority of speakers fail to maintain meaningful, sustained eye contact with their listeners. Unconsciously, their eyes scurry from person to person, darting around the room, without ever pausing to actually see the recipients of their message.
A lack of eye contact implies a list of offenses: insincerity, disinterest, detachment, insecurity, shiftiness, and even arrogance .

To visually connect, maintain eye contact for at least two to three seconds per person, or long enough to complete a full phrase or sentence. Effective eye communication is the most important nonverbal skill in a speaker's toolbox.

3. Not crafting a powerful opening.

According to Plato, 'The beginning is the most important part of the work.' Yet, it's a common bad habit for speakers to waste those precious opening seconds rambling pointlessly, telling a joke, reading an agenda, apologizing needlessly, all of which fail to grab the audience's attention and motivate them to listen. You, your message, and your audience deserve much more.

So, open with a bang? Invest the thought, time, and effort to craft and memorize "the most important part of the work." For example, tell an engaging, relevant story; state a startling statistic; or ask a thought-provoking question.

4. Distracting mannerisms.

There are at least 20 common tics to tackle, including: clenching or wringing your hands, pacing back and forth, keeping your hands in pockets, jingling change or keys, twisting your ring, gripping the lectern, licking your lips, adjusting your hair or clothing, fidgeting with a pen, bobbing your head, placing your arms behind your back, and touching your face.

One or more of these habits can distract the audience from your message and jeopardize your credibility.

As a remedy, record yourself speaking (may be look into  mirror while you speak) and watch the playback. Practice often to increase your comfort level and reduce anxiety. Take a public speaking class or enlist the help of a local coach to eliminate distracting mannerisms and habituate purposeful movement.

5. Not rehearsing.

Most proficient presenters prepare. That is, they know the topic, organize their content, design a slide deck, and study their notes. However, according to a survey, less than 2% of over 5,000 business presenters in Fortune 100 companies actually conduct a dress rehearsal and practice their presentation aloud.

This bad habit results in the audience seeing and hearing the unrefined run-through, versus the finessed final performance. To optimize their perception of you and get the outcome you want, perform the entire presentation aloud at least once, and the opening and closing at least three times.

6. Discussing how nervous you are.

If you're nervous, your body language may or may not give it away to the audience. But it's perfectly normal to be nervous — and most audience members will understand and won't mind one bit.

However, telling everyone how nervous you are may make them feel uncomfortable, and it will just draw more attention to the signs that people might have never noticed in the first place. So don't do it, no matter how tempted you are.

7. Having low energy.

As the Guinness World Record holder for the most performances in the same Broadway show, George Lee Andrews is famous for playing the role of Monsieur Andre in The Phantom of the Opera .Surely, he must have felt tired during at least one or two of his 9,382 performances, but he didn't show it, considering his contract was renewed 45 times over 23 years.

Enthusiasm, defined as eager enjoyment and active interest, is an audience's most desired trait in a presenter. Conversely, a boring delivery — evidenced by a low monotone voice, dull facial expressions, and overall lethargy — is their most disliked trait. "To avoid losing your audience, crank up the energy level. Speak expressively, smile sincerely, move naturally, and enjoy the moment."

8. Data dumping.

It's understandable. After all, our credibility is on the line when we stand up and speak out. So, to be safe, we focus almost entirely on what Aristotle called Logos, which includes the left-brain functions of logic, language, analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, and numbers.

When we rely too heavily on this type of content, we end up talking too long, reading too many over-crowded illegible slides, and turning our backs on the most important element of all: the audience. Ditch the habit of data dumping. It loses the audience and undermines your innate ability to inspire, connect, and persuade.

9. Not inspiring your audience.

Even more vital to persuasion than Logos, says Aristotle, is Pathos, which includes the right-brain activities of emotions, images, stories, examples, empathy, humor, imagination, color, sounds, touch, and rapport.

Tonnes of studies show human beings typically make decisions based on emotions first (Pathos); then, we look for the facts and figures to justify it (Logos). Audience members do the same. With your words, actions, and visuals, seek first to inspire an emotion in them (joy, surprise, hope, excitement, love, empathy, vulnerability, sadness, fear, envy, guilt). Then, deliver the analysis to justify the emotion.

An engaging, memorable, and persuasive presentation is balanced with both information and inspiration. It speaks to the head and the heart, leveraging both facts and feelings.

10. Forgetting to pause.

Many speakers have the bad habit of rushing through their content. Like a runaway train, they speed down the track out of control unable to stop and turn at critical junctures. The causes are often anxiety, adrenaline, or time constraints.

Regardless of the reason, the three times you definitely want to pause include: before and after you say something very important which you want your audience to remember; before and after you transition from one key talking point to the next; and between your opening, main body and closing.

When you consciously use silence as a rhetorical device, you'll come across as more self-confident, your message will be more impactful, and your audience will remember more of what you say.

11. Ending with Q&A.

There's a good chance you've heard a speaker end an otherwise effective presentation with an abrupt, 'That's it. Any questions?' For the audience, it's like a firework with a wet fuse, otherwise known as a 'dud.

Your grand finale is your last chance to reinforce your key points, ensure the memorability of your message, and motivate the audience to action. Avoid the bad habit of closing on Q&A, which risks ending your presentation on a non-climatic down-in-the-weeds topic.

It's fine to invite the audience's comments and questions; however, be sure to end strong. Craft an effective three-part closing where you deliver a strong summary; present a call-to-action; and conclude with a powerful closing statement. Develop the habit of saying last what you want your audience to remember most.

12. Reading from your slides.

A slideshow can be very helpful for jogging your memory and reinforcing the main points of the presentation to your audience.

However, as Inc. contributing editor Geoffrey James points out, the people watching your presentation can read, so giving them the exact same information verbally and visually can be boring and insulting. Use slides as visual signposts for the points you're making rather than a written version or summary of those points.

13. Making an excuse or an apology.

Perhaps you're running late and want to let your audience know why. Or maybe you just stepped off a long flight and want to explain why your performance might not be as strong as it would otherwise.

Either way, making an excuse or an apology sets a negative tone and gives people a reason to think your presentation was underwhelming. Instead, take any personal mishaps in stride and let the audience evaluate your performance independently. Regardless of how you're feeling, show enthusiasm (like a receptionist / air hostess) for being there and make your best effort.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

6 smart ways to Market your Company

Be heard without screaming; be visible without cluttering.
Branding is much more than orthodox advertising. It is about recognition and establishing trust.
How, you ask? Read on.

Today, your start-up's existence depends on branding.
If you've thought, "At least I've been getting my name out there," of the advertising budget that you've spent without knowing what benefit you've gotten, you're not alone.
Advertisements work, but if you can't trace incoming revenues to the ads that generate them, you're wasting time, effort and money.
This article refers to low-investment marketing methods that will grow your new start-up without unwanted budget leaks.

Press releases
Eye-catching, informative press releases give television news channels, newspapers, and magazines free filler material and you get a credible story about your company.
First, find something newsworthy to report about your business and you.
Do you have information that is timely, dramatic, captures readers' interest, or provides a noteworthy benefit to even a layman?
Craft a story that includes your business in one of these ways. Perhaps you've created six new jobs in your hometown or even a metro city you live in. You might be holding an upcoming open house.
Your company might save people time or money.
Never assume that people know which brand is the leader, that's the first step to failure.
Next, determine which media will be interested.
If the local newspaper's readership is primarily upper-income investors, it won't care about saving customers a small amount a year by buying your widget, but the same press release for a college publication may be perfect. The media you choose must speak to your target audience.
Use attractive letterhead. The upper margin, or banner will contain your company name, address, and phone number, a contact person who can answer more questions about the information, and the current date.
Immediately below the banner, centred and capitalised, it should read 'FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE' or specify a release-after date.
Skip a line, and write an article that could be used as-is.
After its conclusion, skip another line and type '# # #' to inform the editors that nothing more follows.?
Deliver it by e-mail, fax, in person, or via postal delivery.
Brands are built by companies and maintained by its customers .

Online forums
Find your clients' online forums. If you sell athletic shoes, get on message boards where you can post updates about sales, new arrivals and educational information.
The college/school's sports team's social networking page is one way to connect with local people who regularly purchase running shoes, for instance.
An IPL site would be worthless unless you're selling nationally.
Post regularly, not repetitively. Alternate messages that ask for sales with ones that offer useful information and light humour.

If you provide newsworthy items, you'll gain customers' trust and confidence.
A brand becomes stronger when you narrow its focus.

Non-competing companies with similar target markets can be your best source of customers. That's why realtors and lenders often work jointly.
Athletic shoe stores can partner with sporting goods stores to share advertising costs and customers. Jewellery stores, bridal boutiques, and wedding planners all work well together.
What businesses complement yours?
Consider exactly what you can offer and what you want to see in exchange.
An effective pitch is specific.
"I'd like to print ninety 30-page how-to booklets for these high school sports teams. I'm including articles about styles of running shoes, tips on selecting the best brands, and a calendar of their cricket tournament for the year so they'll keep it handy.
"If you'll pay half of the Rs 60,000 printing cost, you can write up to 15 pages of information about the sporting equipment they can get here to help them have a great season."
Think simple: what branding builds, sub-branding can destroy.

Sponsoring a group that has high interest in your product can be highly beneficial.
If your shoestore pays for year-end trophies, you can negotiate to have your company's banners placed at every game.
Conversely, sponsoring unrelated events won't have much effect.
Reminder ads work great for mature companies like Coca-Cola, but a start-up shoestore won't see sales from sponsoring a Formula1.
The crucial ingredient in the success of any brand is its communication.

Ongoing communication
Service providers empower customers and build relationships by caring about them.
Follow-up phone calls let customers know they matter to your company.
Drip e-mail, text messaging, and social media can be inexpensive and beneficial if used sparingly and in a way that the customer values.
Like online forums, you'll need to provide useful information, not simply put out messages that say,
"Hey, look at me!"
If you sell expensive items likes houses or cars, personal contact is vital.
If you operate a discount store, you can ask for two-way customer feedback occasionally to communicate your concern for your buyers.
A start-up is built overnight. Success is measured over the years.But a brand is sculptured in decades.

Bartering may provide the solution you need.
Will the high-traffic petrol pump let you set up an advertising display with a new car in exchange for fuelling your cars there?
Finding the right trade can be challenging, but also can offer high payoffs if planned well.
If you remember the principles presented in the acronym, you'll be adept at marketing your business on a shoestring budget, without sacrificing your hair growth.